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It feeds school children and their families healthy, vitamin-rich, nutritious food items that otherwise may not be affordable such as milk, fresh produce, vegetables, peanut butter, tuna, canned/boxed dinners on a weekly basis; healthy children are happy children.
It helps students focus more on school work because they are not worried about where their next meal is coming from; they are not hungry; and their brains are receiving proper nutrition.
It presents an opportunity for students to excel in sports because their bodies have needed calories and nutrition.
It teaches empathy, compassion and the importance of helping others without any stigma to those in need.
It reduces food waste from the school cafeterias; nobody likes waste.
For students, Helping Hands provides opportunities for leadership experience and volunteer hours to add to applications and resumes.
Creative teachers can turn food collected as part of a Helping Hands Program into fun, practical math/science lessons.
It helps schools do their part in taking care of the environment and making the earth a greener place to live by reducing a school's greenhouse gas emissions.
It gives community businesses and organizations a chance to be involved in children’s lives, joining forces to provide even more food for Helping Hands families.
It helps relieve the economic burden food insecure families face and helps them better leverage economic opportunity by community-based bridges to address needs gaps.
It serves as a STEAM learning platform with work-based learning and pathway connections
And, much more…
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